(Adnkronos) – TikTok is available again on the Apple and Google stores in the United States. Here from January 19th the download by new users had no longer been possible in the midst of tensions for the law, decided in the name of national security, with the aim of banning the Chinese-owned platform with 170 million users in the USA in the absence of a ‘farewell’ to the giant ByteDance.
Then on his first day of his second term in the White House, US President Donald Trump immediately decided to extend it until April 5. And yesterday he hinted that there could be further extensions if needed.
“There are a lot of people interested in TikTok and I hope to be able to come to an agreement – he said from the White House, responding to reporters asking him about the negotiations on the platform that must be sold to avoid being banned in the United States – People have realized that it is very popular, we will probably have to have China’s approval, but there are a lot of people interested. ”