Germany, Bild poll: 67% say Spd should vote with Cdu on migrants

31 Gennaio 2025

(Adnkronos) – 67% of Germans would like Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Spd to join forces with the Cdu to see the draft law on migrants approved. 20% disagree. This is according to an Insa poll conducted yesterday for Bild.  

76.4% of respondents disagree with the federal government’s current migration policy, which they view rather negatively, compared to 15.9% who disagree. 69% of the sample approve of the Bundestag giving the green light to the immigration motion on Wednesday. 53% of Spd voters also agree with this. 21.3% disagree. 

44.6% of Germans do not appreciate the fact that the measures were passed with the vote of the Afd. 35.3% of the sample, on the other hand, are positive about this aspect. Finally, 51.7% believe that Germany should decide to turn back illegal immigrants at its borders, even if this violates current EU law. 35.5% disagree. 

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