Ukraine: Tajani, ‘I hope that by 2025 we can reach the end of the war’ (2)

29 Novembre 2024

(Adnkronos) – Tajani then stressed how the peace that we want to build must be a “just peace”, which “does not stifle Ukraine’s freedom”. “Just yesterday – he added – meeting with the Swiss Foreign Minister we talked about a possible future new peace conference that would include the presence of the Russian Federation, China but also India and Brazil, so that there can be a confrontation that leads to a ceasefire and then to the construction of peace”. 

“There are – he observed – hundreds of thousands of deaths, we must close this tremendous season. But the season cannot end with the defeat of Ukraine because we would be proving Russia right, which thinks that whoever is stronger then decides international politics. Instead, there are rules that must be respected. “This is our goal, we will work as Europeans together with the United States”. 

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